Progressive Safe System 2024

Everything you need for DVS 2024 compliance.

Here is a list of the top questions we are regularly asked:

  1. What is DVS and PSS? 
  2. What exactly do I need to get into London post October 2024?
  3. How do I apply for the PSS permits?
  4. AI Cameras versus Radar
  5. FORS and PSS

1. What is DVS and PSS?

Direct Vision Standard (DVS) Progressive Safe System (PSS) is TfL’s latest upgrade to the existing DVS Safe System and comes into force 28th October 2024, and applies to vehicles over 12t GVW entering Greater London. Any vehicles with a 0, 1 or 2 star rating will need to comply. Vehicles with a 3, 4 or 5 star rating are unaffected and will retain the existing DVS permit until its designated end date.

The HGV safety permit scheme covers most of Greater London and is in operation 24 hours a day, every day of the year. A zone checker (with postcode and map search tools) can be found here.

A simple overview of the operation of our system can be found here.

2. What exactly do I need to get into London post-October 2024?

PSS has a number of safety aspects, however the actual technology requirements are as follows for vehicles above 12t:

A Camera Monitoring System (CMS)

Comprising an in cab monitor (at least 7″) and blindside camera to be fitted to the nearside of the vehicle enabling an unimpeded nearside view. A CMS can also be used as an alternative to fitting Class V and VI mirrors.

A BSIS Blind Spot Information System

Either radar or camera which must give a 9M x 2.2M coverage down the nearside of rigid vehicles to detect vulnerable road users and must shut off above 18MPH. BSIS must not audibly activate when the vehicle is stationary or when detecting roadside furniture or other vehicles (motorcyclists and cyclists excluded of course), and neither must it activate audibly when driving parallel alongside vulnerable road users (VRU). BSIS should audibly alarm ONLY when your vehicle turns leftwards and inwards towards any VRU within the detection zone.

A MOIS Moving Off Information System

Either radar or camera, which must give at least 2M forwards coverage and 0.5M out from each front corner of the vehicle. This shall shut off above 3MPH (5KPH). MOIS must not audibly activate when the vehicle is stationary or when detecting roadside furniture or other vehicles (cyclists, motorcyclists and scooterists excluded of course), and must audibly alarm ONLY when your vehicle moves forwards towards any VRU within the detection zone

A left turn alarm (or right turn alarm for LHD vehicles)

A left turn alarm is required for right hand drive vehicles to audibly warn vulnerable road users when the vehicle is turning left. Vehicles that are left hand drive require a right turn alarm instead.

Correct signage at the rear of the vehicle

Clear signage to warn of the blindspot on the vehicle should be added to the rear of the vehicle, this includes any trailers that the vehicle may pull.

Side underrun bars (not supplied by TrafficAngel)

Zero, one and two star rated vehicles not fitted with phase two PSS will remain eligible for a DVS phase 1 permit up to 27 October 2024. Applications can be submitted online as normal and permits will expire on the 27th October 2024. From 28th October 2024 these vehicles will need to be fitted with phase two PSS to be eligible to apply for a safety permit. More specific information can be found at

3: How do I apply for the PSS permits?

Permits can be applied for via the TfL website. There are two application processes, one for registering a single vehicle at a time, and another that allows for a multi vehicle application.

More guidance is available at:

You will need to submit the following photographic and textual evidence:

Two photographs to demonstrate that PSS has been fitted to your vehicle.

For this visual evidence, one photograph must clearly show the front and nearside, and the other must show the rear and nearside of the vehicle.

The vehicle registration plates must be clearly readable in both photos and the images must demonstrate the PSS equipment has been fitted to the vehicle as specified in this guidance and accompanying technical specifications. If your vehicle is a tractor unit, it is not necessary to include a photo of the trailer as well. Where a trailer is present, the rear photo must show the rear nearside of the trailer with the vehicle in situ.

Examples of good photographic evidence are provided online on the TfL website

Textual evidence

A statement is required self-certifying that all equipment has been fitted in accordance with TfL technical specifications and the equipment is also in functional working order. TfL does not require operators to provide third-party certification for their equipment installed for the purposes of fitting the PSS. However, operators are required to provide a functionality statement that demonstrates the blind spot and moving off information systems have been fitted to comply with the standards set in the technical specifications, and are in functional working order. This should comprise an official statement or letter from either the fitter or the original equipment manufacturer of the product being installed, to the effect that the systems fitted to the vehicle are active and fitted in compliance with the approved technical specifications. The letter should include a statement that certifies ‘the blind spot and moving off information systems fitted to this vehicle are fully functional, effective and installed in compliance with the PSS technical specifications’. TrafficAngel will supply you with this functionality statement and your installer will supply you with the fitting compliance statement which is then attached to your application along with the required visual evidence

How can I be assured that kit installers are providing compliant kit?

As TfL does not currently accredit or approve DVS Kit or DVS installers, it is difficult for operators to know for certain the kit providers have interpreted the requirements and specifications correctly. You absolutely need to read up on the requirements here and please do talk to us if you’re unsure. You should also demand a trial of the system to test functionality in the real world, and you should also demand to speak to satisfied customers already using the kit.

TrafficAngel is one of the few companies providing PSS kit that has been rigorously tested and passed by Loughborough University, who devised the specification for PSS in partnership with TfL.

What happens if I cannot get the new PSS installed before the new standard is enforced from October?

TfL has provided a ‘grace period’ of 6 months to allow operators additional time to fit PSS compliant kit. An operator must be able to show they have booked an installation slot on or before 4th May 2025, TfL will then grant an exemption under the grace period. The timescales for fitting PSS-compliant kit by October 2024 are challenging, but operators are advised to fit PSS-compliant kit to their vehicles as soon as possible.

TfL has created a permit checking portal for single vehicles which has been operational since June 2024 and a multi-vehicle look up tool will be available from October 2024. This ruling will apply to all vehicles entering the Greater London Zone, see map below.

dvs zone map greater london

Transport for London Contacts

TfL enquiries: to raise a DVS enquiry go to scroll down to ‘Make An Enquiry’ and complete the form there. There is no email address for queries. 

DVS Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs): Full details as to how to challenge DVS PCNs can be found on the PCN. Road User Charging Contact Centre: The Contact Centre is open Monday to Friday, 08:00-20:00. The relevant numbers are as follows: UK: 0343 222 2222 (TL call charges) International +44 (0)343 222 2222 Textphone: 020 7649 9123

See our PSS demo video below.

Upgrade Kit

Upgrade kit for vehicles that have DVS Phase 1 (2020)

  • TrafficAngel Progressive Safe System MOIS + BSIS 3 x AI camera system - Left Hand Drive

    TrafficAngel Progressive Safe System MOIS + BSIS 3 x AI camera system

    Part Number: PSS-3E

Full Kit

Full kit for vehicles that are 2 star rated or below, and have no DVS Phase 1 equipment fitted.

  • TrafficAngel Progressive Safe System MOIS + BSIS 3 x AI camera system - Left Hand Drive

    TrafficAngel Progressive Safe System MOIS + BSIS 3 x AI camera system

    Part Number: PSS-3E
  • Full HD 7" Monitor with Loom & Bracket - D1 / 720p / 1080p

    Full HD 7″ Monitor with Loom & Bracket – D1 / 720p / 1080p

    Part Number: HDSCR4
  • 1m Camera Cable (4 pin male - RCA male & DC female)

    1m Camera Cable (4 pin male – RCA male & DC female)

    Part Number: CC1W
  • CitySafe Left Turn Alarm - Audible spoken message

    CitySafe Left Turn Alarm – Audible spoken message

    Part Number: CS1-LEFT
  • Night-time Override Switch Turn Alarm integration with TrafficAngel Progressive Safe System

    Night-time Override Switch Turn Alarm integration with TrafficAngel Progressive Safe System

    Part Number: PSS-NOS
  • 4-way Fuse Holder for DVS Systems

    4-way Fuse Holder for PSS

    Part Number: FU3
  • Blind Spot Take Care Sticker 295mm x 210mm

    Blind Spot Take Care Sticker 295mm x 210mm

    Part Number: STIBLISPOT

Our Customers Include

Warranty Solutions Case Study

TrafficAngel were contacted by David Pilcher from Warranty Solutions on 23rd May 2023 with an unusual request! They had a Gulf Stream American RV which they wanted cameras fitted to in order to help with manoeuvring. When we saw the vehicle for the first time we weren’t surprised; it’s huge!

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